Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Tuesday, June 7, 2016 - Surgery #4

Surgery #4!  It's been a long year yet at the same time I feel like time is flying by.  I can't believe we are this far in the process already.

They always make sure she has plenty to do to keep her occupied while we wait.  She made her third doll who she lovingly named Blue.  She also got a new puzzle and made a cute jellyfish craft.  She's getting braver about talking to the doctors and nurses and seems to be coming out of her shell a little bit which is fun to watch.

She chose strawberry flavored anesthesia again this time.  I was so impressed with the anesthesiologist when he sat down to help her finish her puzzle before taking her into the operating room.  I love that he didn't rush her.  A good doctor indeed.

The wait is always long for Jared and I.  Dr. Muntz always comes to give us the report as soon as they are finished.  He confirmed that everything went well and exactly as planned.  The few minutes (probably only 15-30 minutes) after we see him is always the longest of the wait.  They won't take us into the post-op until she is starting to wake up.  She always has a hard time waking up, it really knocks her out.  The nurse waited with her for a long time and couldn't even get her to stir so she called us in and the minute we started talking she finally opened her eyes.  Without missing a beat she requested a slushie & a snack so we could go home.  She always wakes up pleasant.  In the beginning we planned to video her after each surgery in hopes of getting some funny footage but we quickly learned that she doesn't have much to say as it wears off.  Her number one concern is always food both before and after surgery.  She's done a lot of fasting this year and that's hard for her little tummy.  She's sure she's withering away. 



She always loves the wheelchair ride to the car.  She got a little nauseous on the ride home but quickly fell asleep.  She is doing quite well this evening.

They took cartilage from her left ear to form the bump in front of what will be the ear canal.  They also fixed the bump on her cheek since she picked the stitches last time.  This was one of the easier surgeries so we are hoping for an easier recovery as well so we can enjoy our summer!



Monday, June 6, 2016

Pre Stage 4 Photoshoot

Photo Credit: staceyhansenphotography.com 
Date Taken: Monday, June 6, 2016