Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Primary Children's Hospital has been so good to us this year!  With every surgery, we have been blown away at the generosity & gifts we've received.  They have managed to make a miserable experience very positive.  After our first hospital stay, we decided that we wanted to pay it forward so we have spent the year gathering and collecting items to donate to other children in hopes of making their time at Primary's a little bit more pleasant also.  We are extremely grateful for the donations we've received, we were able to collect more than we ever imagined.  As a family, we shopped on multiple occasions for items to donate.  Kambri donated some of her own money to the cause.  We loved watching our kids search & decide on what they thought would make someone else happy.  Friends and family members joined our efforts & donated blankets, toys, puzzles, coloring books and much more and we are grateful.  This afternoon we were able to deliver two heaping wagons full of surprises in hopes to brighten someone else's day.

Kambri had a pre-op & hearing test with Dr. Shelton at the University of Utah hospital this afternoon.  We've become quite familiar with PMCH & Dr. Muntz so it is a little scary exploring new territory again.  We spent most of our appointment with the resident doctor, Dr. Cox.  He answered our questions and explained the details of what to expect.  Dr. Shelton joined us briefly too, once again explaining the procedure along with the risks.  Ready or not, the time has come once again.

Fasting is usually one of the things that she stresses about most so we took her to Costa Vida (her favorite!) for dinner on the way home.  She finished what she could at the restaurant and then polished it off before bed.

We are grateful for the countless acts of service on our behalf.  We are grateful for my mom & sister who are juggling our boys so that we can be where we need to be.  We are grateful for Jared's co-worker and his wife who gave Kambri a good luck gift along with a surprise for each of our boys.  We are grateful for the messages of encouragement and prayers offered.  Thank you!!

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