Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Kambri is a tummy sleeper.  She almost always sleeps on her ear making it really quiet while she sleeps, usually we have to roll her over to wake her.  We knew she was starting to feel better when we found her sleeping in her usual position, right on top of her incision.  

She has been doing really well.  She is full of energy and back to her cheerful little self.  It was time for a bandage change last night.  The incision is still oozing and the bandage was stucker than stuck right on the incision.  We were afraid we might open the wound so we called my good friend Megan Anderson (a nurse) and she came to the rescue.

She had it off, cleaned up and re-bandaged in no time at all.  We are grateful for good friends who come to help at the drop of a hat.

The swelling is going down and we can almost she the shape of the ear.  It makes me excited and sad all in the same moment.

We've had a few more visitors & even meals delivered.  People are good.  We really are surrounded by the best of the best.
{Jaycie (& Chalet) Schenk}

{Not Pictured: Mindy & Eliza Hilton}
{Not Pictured: Jill & Sarah Hales}

Crafts & Activities of all kinds!

Kambri has been spoiled rotten with gifts and activities of all kinds and it has kept her busy, busy.  She's really enjoying this little break from school.  

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Sunday, January 10, 2016

This little girl is a rockstar!  She is doing amazingly well.  In fact, she is feeling so well that it is now us reminding her that she needs to be calm and to not over do it.  She is almost completely off of her pain meds and is feeling really good.  Our biggest concern now is to keep her from getting bumped.  She is doing way better than we ever expected.  We are grateful for the many prayers that have contributed to her fast recovery.

Our time in the hospital mixed up her days & nights because the nurses were coming in around the clock.  Friday night we tucked her in and when we woke up at 12:30 am for her next dose of meds, she was still awake just doing her thing.  She hasn't gone to bed at a normal time once since we've been home.  We're hoping to get back on a normal schedule soon.

She got to have a bath of sorts today.  We were able to wash her hair, it was a matted mess.  It always feels good to have a bath & clean clothes.  She can't raise her arms above her head so her wardrobe is limited but she's perfectly ok with wearing jammies every day.

She is a little grossed out by her ear.  She doesn't like to look at it but she loves to show it off.  It's still a little oozy so I don't blame her.  She still has a bandage over the rib incision and she refuses to allow us anywhere near it but she doesn't hold it constantly anymore so that is good.

At this rate, she should be back to school this week sometime.  We are blown away at how fast she is coming around.  We have been so so blessed!


It's so good to be home.  We've had many visitors both before & after surgery and are extremely grateful.  She feels so loved!
{Aunt Melissa & the rest of the Yeates crew that didn't make it to the hospital}

{Jen, Kate & Karley Souter}

{Lisa & Ali McBride}

{Not Pictured: Uncle Reed, Grandma & Grandpa Strawn}

{a warm & fuzzy blanket surprise from Sarah Grange & her girls}

 {The Nielson bunch}

 {Uncle Gary & Aunt Sharon Larsen}

{The Latimer crew - twice!} 

{a surprise visit from her classmate, Austin Bostock and his mom}

{Not Pictured: Cambria, Stella & Landon Burnett}

Friday, January 8, 2016

Going Home!

Our time at Primary Children's will be something we will never forget.  It has been hard, but it has been wonderful.  In just 4 days we've grown leaps and bounds and learned amazing things.  It has opened our eyes to a whole new world of gratitude and charity.  We have been forever changed by this experience.

The poor girl was covered in electrodes and tape from her bandages so we did our best to clean her up since she can't have a shower for a few more days.  She was pretty excited to be tube & wire free.  

There are a million stories that walk these halls.  I've always been intrigued but I now have a deep desire to be a volunteer in this hospital and to see a part of the stories being written.

My friend Cali's baby girl has been in the hospital this week as well with RSV.  On her Instagram she wrote, "I knew the thing causing her the most pain (the IV) would essentially be the thing that saved her life.  There is definitely a life lesson to be learned there.  Sometimes the most painful things help us heal and lead us to better days".  Those words rang true in my mind.

I've been thinking all week about how this has been the hardest thing that Kambri has ever done.  She has been a trooper and has handled it amazingly well.  I was thinking about the growth and changes that have & will come from this process.  It is hard but it will be absolutely worth it.  For us, this process isn't just about an ear, it is so much more.

It was bittersweet walking out of that hospital.  It felt as if time had flown by yet in the same moment it felt as if we'd been there forever.

 We were greeted by balloons, banners and loved ones!  Grandma & Grandpa Larsen and the boys were here waiting for our arrival.  It is so good to be home!

She was greeted by more balloons and a heart attack in her room.

There's no place like home!

Friday, January 8, 2016

It was our best night yet!

She woke up this morning chipper and happy.  She's been singing, dancing and having a great time.  It's great to see her personality is back.

She's requested a hospital bed of her own, she quite enjoys the buttons.

She's had more than her fair share of slushies (fruit punch & orange twist) & smoothies (Strawberry Passion).   She's happily eaten Mac & Cheese and Mandarin Oranges for almost every meal.  She loves the constant attention and prizes galore. 

This has been one of the experiences that you wouldn't wish on anyone but you wouldn't trade for a million dollars.

Dr. Muntz came in for one last check up.  He blew her a kiss as he was leaving and for the first time he got her to smile at him.

About noon the Resident Doctor came in to remove the drains.  He removed the one near her ribs first and then the ear second.  It was painful but she was a trooper.
{the white thing is the tube poking out of her chest}

{they removed the tube behind her ear}

With drains out, it's time to go home!