I was mad. How could he forget us or at the very least not read his notes?! I couldn't trust him to do surgery on my baby girl when he didn't seem to care. We cancelled the surgery and walked out of that appointment.
We decided to go to a different doctor in hopes of starting the process all over again. This doctor answered many of our questions and then he said, "I will do whatever you want me to do, but I will not do anything until you know all of your options and can make an educated decision" and with that he sent us back to Dr. Muntz at Primary Children's Hospital.
As I recounted this story to a dear friend of mine she pointed out that perhaps the first doctor had been given a stooper of thought. Perhaps it had been a tender mercy that he had "forgotten" us. Had we gone ahead with that surgery we never would've pursued another doctor which led us to Primary Children's which led us to a new found hope to restore hearing!
Wow, reading your experience in reverse really shows it in a different light. So often we end up in places in life we never expected or planned, but looking back we see that there really was a plan. It can be so hard to see that from a present perspective. So glad things are going well at Primary's this week!