She had kind of a hard morning. Besides being tired and sore, she is super protective of her wounds and doesn't like to see or smell blood which is kind of inevitable right now.
When she got up to go potty, we coaxed her on a little walk. She was super nervous and is very protective of her ribs but did great and walked a good distance. She walks very slowly. As I apologized to a man walking behind us and moved so he could pass us he commented on how proud of her he was and how it's good for him to slow down once in a while. People are awesome.
She's always been a daddy's girl but she has clung right at his side during our stay. I'm starting to feel a little jealous ;).
We went to the playroom to check things out. She perked right up when we got there. She quickly pointed out all of the things her brothers would love. She talked to the boys on the phone this morning, they miss her and she misses them. We can't wait to be together again. She was feeling dizzy so we didn't get to stay for very long but she has big plans of returning again soon.
After our walk they decided not to hook her back up to the IV and see how she does. One less cord to worry about. She was happy to spend some time sitting up in the chair, just long enough to color a picture.
Fresh sheets, clean panties & a new hospital gown and she was ready to crawl back in bed to watch some cartoons. Although she is miserable she is quite enjoying this your wish is my command gig.
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